Saturday, November 27, 2010


The bathrooms are finally starting to take shape. In the upstairs bathroom the frame for the bath has been built and yesterday we had the waterproofer here for about 10 hours.

You can finally see things take shape because them waterproofing provides a kind of outline of where the showers will go. The downstairs bathroom, whilst not as big as the one upstairs, is looking pretty good too.
Back at the ranch (i.e. UPSTAIRS) I'm continuing to play house and make things pretty. We're both very obsessed with our new Christmas tree...

And finally, I'm learning that a pretty bunch of flowers can do a lot to soothe renovation woes.


  1. I saw the tree last year at Papaya and they were sold out. So since then it has been much coveted. I love it so.

  2. We ripped your xmas tree off - we went to the park and brought home a big stick and spraypainted it silver! no joke! it looked almost as good as yours :)

  3. oh yes and now christmas is over, it's sitting on the front doorstep and it looks kinda weird...
