Still a liiiitle bit of work (fridge, dishwasher & range hood to be installed, spashback tiled, skirting boards under cupboards, painting...) to be done in the kitchen, but you have to agree it's going to be beautiful. We're so happy with the American Cherry cabinets, and the floors are just stunning.

Below is the upstairs third bedroom/study. Again, a liiiiiitle bit of painting to be done, but almost there.

The front downstairs rooms are also lacking in a bit of paint but looking gorgeous, and while the staircase photo below isn't crash hot when you look at it properly it's perfect.

Enough gushing for now - will post some more photos soon once we have done some more painting and unpacking. We also have to chase up the kitchen guy as he has a bit to do that will make it much more special than it already is, can't wait.