Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Apparently we have a knack for choosing accident prone tradies. Thankfully most of the injuries have occured on other jobs, but they still mean broken tradesmen and time out.

So far:
  1. Corey the sparkie has chopped off some thumb with a new stanley knife and ended up in emergency
  2. Roy the gyprocker has fallen off a ladder and gashed open his arm
  3. Pete the roofer almost lost his entire finger whilst working on the roof of our next door neighbour however it has been reattached thanks to a clever microsurgeon

I am hoping that bad things happen in threes and therefore that's all the injuries for now. Ouch.


  1. perhaps your worksite need a disclaimer....
    'thumbs enter at own risk'
    'digital danger zone'

  2. I like digital danger zone... it has a Y2K ring to it...
