Friday, August 27, 2010


Do you get the sense that the wardrobe is missing something? Like... um.... two doors. Apparently they disappeared somewhere between the journey to Ibi's factory to the spray painter then back to the factory and then to our house.

Love the way the guy who installed the doors made the aesthetic call to leave the cupboards right in the centre of the wardrobe bare. Let's hope the doors are found.

I'm really happy with how the wardrobes are looking overall however all of a sudden the master bedroom seems a little bit sterile and lifeless. I guess all the clothes added some kind of colour and texture to the room in the same way throw rugs and pretty pillows might. I'm hoping that the arrival of our long anticipated roman blinds will soften the space a bit but I'll be keeping my eye out for some more soft furnishings over the next few months. I have to keep reminding myself that this is one big work in progress and rooms look better when they grow a bit organically rather than being ordered straight out of a catalogue.

relaxing upstairs

The green bedroom looks so much neater with wardrobe doors and a little built in bookshelf. You would never know that behind those wardrobe doors lie secret stairs.

This weekend we've been moving our living space upstairs which has involved leaving my faded old pink velvet armchair and an old TV table out on the nature strip to be adopted, washing rugs and blankets and taking old bits and bobs to Vinnies. Bleurgh.

Still, it's worth it because it's a lovely place to relax on one's LoveSac.